is the player (or players) with the highest total score. has used all of their letters, or all players have passed. The winner rack. Play continues until there are no letters left and one player selects any replacement letters and then displays the next player's pass), the program automatically calculates the score, randomly Regardless of how you move (make a word, throw back letters or @BThe end of the game button or hit the Enter key. The score for a pass is 0. throw any back then you will have to pass. Simply click in the Done If you cannot make a word and there aren't enough letters left to @BPassing you have finished. letters will be put back in your rack.) Click in the Done button when (If you change your mind, just click in the box or hit Return and the "Letters left" box. The box will show the letters to be replaced. If you only want to throw back a few letters then drop them in the Letters menu. This also ends your move. To throw back ALL your letters, select "Throw All Back" from the more letters left). The score for such a move is 0. then you can replace one or more letters (but only if there are 7 or If you cannot make a word, or if you prefer not to make a word, @BThrowing back letters to return all letters to your rack (or just hit the Return key). Note that you can select "Return to Rack" from the Letters menu current word list. If the answer is "No" then it is still your move. For each unknown word you'll be asked if you want to add it to the It also checks that all words created are in the current word list. The program will warn you if you attempt to make an illegal move. you will be asked to specify a letter for each blank used. • A blank may be used as any desired letter. After making a move previous move. moves, at least one letter must be placed next to a letter from a • The very first move must cover the middle square. For all other no intervening empty squares. • Letters must be placed in either a horizontal or vertical line with the following rules: Legal moves are made by placing letters on the board according to making a word, click on the Done button or hit the Enter key. illegal then the score is shown as "?"). When you have finished program calculates and displays the current score (if the move is from the rack to the board. As letters are added to the board the If you are the current player then move your letters one at a time played without requiring any further intervention. If ALL player names end with a digit then the entire game will be a move when you click on the Move button or hit the Enter key. If the current player's name ends in a digit then the Mac will make